Eagle Lake Bible Camp Staff Application

    Your marital status

    Are you bringing along any children of your own that will NOT be campers?

    If you do not attend the Blumenort Community Church or Vermilion Bay Evangelical Mission Church, please provide two references, i.e., pastor/youth pastor/mentor.

    Are you a member of this church?

    Manitoba Residents, have you had a Criminal Check done for the Blumenort CC Church?

    Manitoba Residents, have you had a Child Abuse Check done for the Blumenort CC Church?

    Ontario Residents, have you had a Vulnerable Persons Check done for the Vermillion Bay Evangelical Mission Church?

    Which weeks of camp you are willing to serve at?

    Because it is our hope and prayer that campers will come to know Christ through their camp experience, we ask you for the following commitment

    Eagle Lake Bible Camp Staff Medical Form

    The following information is required for all camp staff and will be kept confidential
    by the Camp Director and Camp First Aid Personnel.

    Medical numbers

    Do you have any serious health challenges (allergies, handicaps, any medication required)?

    PLEASE NOTE, SPECIAL FOOD NEEDS: There will be no special food prep or meals prepared for staff members who do not indicate when they apply that they have special dietary needs. Our kitchen staff work very hard to cook meals for 100+ people at a time, and cannot cater to individual “dislikes” or “preferences”. However, if you require a medically necessitated diet, we will try to accommodate basic special needs if given the appropriate advance notice. If you have concerns, feel free to be in touch with the Camp Director ahead of time to establish what will work best for your particular situation, i.e., bringing some of your own meals.

    Emergency contact(s)

    Day emergency contact

    Is your night emergency contact the same contact as your day emergency contact?

    Night emergency contact

    In your own words, please respond briefly to the following questions

    If you were staff last year, you do not have to answer the questions below – just put in “see previous year answers”.

    Are you willing to provide transportation for a few other staff members if you are planning/willing to travel to camp in your own vehicle?